Woman Nearly Bitten By Tiger After Hopping Fence At New Jersey Zoo Video Shows

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Woman Seen Enticing Tiger at New Jersey Zoo, Police Say

Woman Hops Over Fence, Tigers Get Close

Police in Bridgeton, New Jersey, are searching for a woman who they say climbed over a barrier surrounding a tiger enclosure at the Cohanzick Zoo on Saturday, August 20, 2023.

According to police, the woman was seen enticing the tiger, which nearly bit her. The incident was captured on video and shared on social media.

What Happened?

The video shows the woman climbing over the wooden fence surrounding the tiger enclosure. She then approaches a tiger and begins to pet it.

The tiger initially appears to be playful, but it quickly becomes agitated and lunges at the woman. The woman is able to dodge the tiger's attack and climb back over the fence.

The zoo has since released a statement saying that the woman's actions were "reckless and dangerous." The zoo also said that the tiger is now being quarantined as a precaution.

What Are the Charges?

The woman is facing charges of trespassing and endangering an endangered species. She could face up to 18 months in jail and a $10,000 fine if convicted.

What Should You Do If You See a Tiger in the Wild?

If you see a tiger in the wild, it is important to stay calm and back away slowly. Do not approach the tiger or make any sudden movements.

If the tiger charges at you, stand your ground and make yourself look as large as possible. You can also try to scare the tiger away by making loud noises or throwing objects at it.