Understanding Weather Symbols For Accurate Forecasts

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Weather Forecast Symbol Definitions

Understanding Weather Symbols for Accurate Forecasts

Weather forecast symbols are graphical representations of atmospheric conditions used in meteorological forecasts on weather maps and charts. These symbols convey information about precipitation, cloud cover, wind speed and direction, and other weather phenomena.

Common Precipitation Symbols

Symbols indicating precipitation include:

These symbols are drawn above the main weather symbol to indicate precipitation type.

Cloud Cover Symbols

Cloud cover symbols represent the amount of cloud cover in the sky:

These symbols indicate the visibility and sunshine levels.

Wind Speed and Direction Symbols

Wind speed and direction are represented by:

Other Weather Symbols

Additional symbols convey information about:

These symbols help meteorologists interpret weather patterns and make accurate forecasts.

Benefits of Identifying Weather Symbols

Understanding weather forecast symbols is beneficial for:

By recognizing these symbols, individuals can make informed decisions and prepare for upcoming weather conditions.


Weather forecast symbols are essential for understanding weather forecasts and staying informed about meteorological conditions. By becoming familiar with these symbols, individuals can enhance their daily life by navigating weather patterns effectively.