Delegates To Discuss Party Platform Elect New Leadership

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Idaho Democrats Head to Chicago for DNC Summer Meeting

Delegates to Discuss Party Platform, Elect New Leadership

CHICAGO (ID) - Idaho Democrats, including party chairwoman Lauren Necochea and state Senator Melissa Wintrow, are gathering in Chicago this week for the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) Summer Meeting.

The three-day event, which begins on Wednesday, June 28, will bring together Democratic leaders from across the country to discuss the party's platform and elect new leadership.

Necochea, who is also a DNC member, said she is looking forward to participating in the discussions and helping to shape the party's future.

"This is a critical time for our party and our country," Necochea said. "We need to come together and find common ground so that we can move forward and win elections."

Wintrow, who is running for re-election to the state Senate, said she is eager to hear from other Democrats and learn about their priorities.

"I'm excited to be a part of this important gathering and to help our party move forward," Wintrow said.

The DNC Summer Meeting is one of the party's largest events of the year. It is an opportunity for Democrats to come together and discuss the party's future, and to elect new leaders who will help the party win elections.